Strengthening research collaboration in Canada and beyond.
Partnering in Research
In research, purpose-driven partnerships accelerate discovery and the translation of knowledge to practice. MICYRN continues to build on the specialty and sub-specialty research network group’s core value: synergy gained from collaborative networks and integrated infrastructure spurs tremendous advances that are unattainable by individual groups working in isolation. National and International partnerships ensure pooled resources, shared knowledge, and opportunities to accelerate discovery in maternal and child health research.
Affiliated Networks
Networking is absolutely essential to advance maternal and child health, because each province has too few patients with any given condition or adverse outcome to conduct adequately powered clinical studies over reasonable time periods. MICYRN brings a number of research networks together through the affiliated networks agreement.
Initiative Partners
MICRYN has partnered with a number of national organizations and research teams to improve maternal and child health research across Canada.
Global Partners
MICYRN contributes to the development of a multi-national infrastructure to support global pediatric trials and the sharing of knowledge. Partners include Enpr-EMA, I-ACT, PTN, and c4c.
Service Agreements
MICYRN has entered a number of agreements to provide a suite of services to groups and organizations without the financial means to employee staff in a wide area of needs, including administration, communications, engagement, project management, and financial oversight. MICYRN partners with organizations with goals that align with the Network’s mission